Arthur Dent middle class man is about to get his house knocked down but a friend, Ford Prefect reassures him, that it doesn't matter because the world's coming to an end.
Arthur Dent
- Well spoken
- American
- Pitch: Moderate
Ford Prefect: Alien Saviour
- Pitch: Interesting & less moderate
- changes when scene goes on
- Pitch goes higher because he is excited due to the amount of knowledge he has on aliens and the world's survival.
Sound effects:
- Wind
- People Shouting& screaming
- Closed silent gaps with speech
Comparison between War of the Worlds and HH guide to galaxy
- Both dominantly consist of male voices
- 40 year gap between the two
- HH guide to galaxy's narrator played a greater role whereas music played that role in War of the Worlds
- Different Mode of address; War of the World was addressed to the audience but HH guide to galaxy is more of a drama
- HH guide to galaxy is less informal choice of language
- War of the Worlds and HH guide to galaxy completely different genres.
- HH: Sci fi/ Comedy
- War of worlds: Sci fi/ Horror
I found The hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy quite easy to follow. Unlike War of the Worlds it did not require a lot of effort to try and understand the storyline. I think this radio drama was more informal which made it easier to get into and follow. I think the character Ford Prefect played the role of the narrator, because Arthur Dent was as clueless about the storyline as we were. It was almost as if we were in his shoes. I think this makes this radio drama successful because listening to them does require a lot of imagination and having a character discovering along with us lifts the burden.
Although the construction of this radio was effective and successful it still didn't really grab my attention mainly because Sci Fi isn't really my thing and because there was minimal characters in the drama, this made it quite boring and doesn't feed my imagination.